Actress, dancer, poet, writer
Jeanette Sena Mühlmann
Jeanette Sena Mühlmann – international multi media artist
Welcome in my World
Answering questions about my artistic path is quite a task.
Steps of my artistic life are shown here. If you get curious, you can read my poems, short stories, books, listen to my songs, theatre plays, my up coming future projects.
I had great pleasure to sink into these old photos and films, to revisit myself as child, teen, young woman.
I am who I was
Looking back smiling
Walking on with confidence
Have fun strolling around in my universe!
News & Work in Progress

Plays & Dance Theatre
- SENA PRODUCTIONS presented 07/27/2023:
“From Plastic to Mystic”
Dance theatre to accompany the ongoing exhibition at Museum Five Continents.
Choreography: Sena
With Achille Acakpo (musician, dancer, choreographer, Ouidah Benin), Arsene de Souza (voudoun drummer, Ouidah, Benin), Funmilayo (Fusha Dance Company, NYC), Damenza Nvioki (bandleader Ndungu Kina, Leipzig/Bas-Congo), Odjadike Pelenzi (choreographer, musician, Berlin/Bandundu,Congo) and Sena - In progress: „Königskinder“ ©
Comedy, 2 persons - In progress: Vor den Töchtern sterben die Mütter“ ©
Comedy, 2 persons

In progress: novels
- „Jüdin mit Kampfhund“ ©
and other animal stories… - „der Boomerang“ ©
Mobbing on the Internet - „der Maulkorb“ ©
A story of survival - „was ist Sssexxx?“ ©

In progress: film, dance theater
- Movie “I didn’t do it!”
Screenplay, direction, costumes: Sena
In collaboration with TBA - BRIDGES BEYOND BOUNDARIES ©
Jeanette Sena Mühlmann/Sena Productions
From 1976 until today
Jeanette Sena Mühlmann – Timeline

Dance and dance theater
Passionately organizes dance workshops in Munich and Berlin once a year since 2015, also in Paris (2017) and Amsterdam (2018).
In collaboration with Funmilayo (Fusha Dance Company, NYC), Sena Productions brings the healing dances and dance techniques from the heart of Africa, from Congo, to Europe; The origin of all dance has influenced the whole world.
2019 Dance Theater in Berlin, Festival of Cultures : dances solos on stage as on the dance parade.
Translated with (free version)
2022: Exhibition

Exhibition at the Deutsches Theatermuseum in Munich „Die Lust am anderen Theater“
Liberal Performing Arts in Munich from 1960 – 2020
Curator: Dr. Birgit Pargner
The independent Munich theater company die “Zauberflöte” (1980-1984) was represented in the exhibition by all founding members, with interviews, video clips, stage photos and costumes of the performers.
This exhibition is accompanied by an excellent book catalog with interviews of the theater group „die Zauberflöte“.
2019: Dance Theater in Berlin, Festival of Cultures
Dances solos on stage, and on the dance parade.
2017: Author
Novel „Streng Vertraulich“
the search for the right (and courageous) publishing house is on…
2015: Author
Theater play “Obsession”
Scenic reading: “Obsession” at the Potpourri! World Women Works Series (Festival)
Director: Kim Weston Moran
Theater Dixon Place, NYC
2014/2015: Filmschnitt & Beratung

Co-Editor of the high-profile documentary “In the Name of the Animals” by Sabine Kückelmann
Hof Film Festival 2015
The film belongs today to the standard work of animal protection.
NYC 2011: Author
Theater play “The Keyboard”
Premiere in NYC
Scenic Reading “The Keyboard”
with Actors Guild actors
Harlem NYC, Red Indian Readers Club Series” (directing)
NYC 2010: Author
Screenplay „Strictly Confidential“
Finalist at Final Cut Pro Festival
NYC 2009: Author
Screenplay “The Keyboard”
GEM Festival Finalist
NYC 2009: Fashion Design Award

Fashion Design Award from BTE TV – NYC (Sofia Davis)
NYC 2007: Theater

Laurence Holder “The Crooner”
Director: Rome Neal
Actress, playing Hannah
Nuyorican Poets Café, NYC NY
NYC 2007: Environmental Award
Environmental Award” 2007 for “KEEP IT CLEAN” as best environmental short film NYIIF NYC (several awards. a.o. Corney Island Film Festival, Harlem Film Festival) NYIIFVF – best environmental Shortfilm : “KEEP IT CLEAN”
NYC 2007: Short film

“Keep it Clean” (Environmental Short-Film 30 mins)
Written, produced, edited & directed and all costumes by Sena
NYC 2005: Career Talk Live
TV/NYC – MNN Channel 56 “Career Talk Live”
90 min Interview
NYC 2002/03/04 – Poetry in Anthologies
Poetry Awards from “Society of Poets”
NYC 2001-2010: Fashion shows

Fashion shows in NYC, Kingston Jamaica, Dubai UAE, etc
NYC 2001-2006: Singer/Songwriter

2001 Launch of the CD: SENA „Natural High“
FireDragon Records-We Walk By Faith Publishing Company (ASCAP)
2005 Kweevak Music Awards
for the CD SENA “Natural High“
2006 American Underground Idol Awards
for the song “voluntary” from the CD “Natural High”
NYC 2000: Fashion Design

Starting own fashion line “SENA”
and changing name from Jeanette Mühlmann to Sena – the name that was given to her by the mother of her percussion player in Africa.
NYC ab 1999: Poetry performances in english language
Nuyorican Poets Café – Pink Pony – LES/ West Village Brooklyn Moon, – Sky Gallery – Sugar Shack, Harlem-Yale University – Peabody Museum, Connecticut und mehr
NYC 1999 : Short film
“Thank God, no Hero and no Saint!”
Interviews with Leo Glückselig, graphic artist who fled Vienna for NYC and author of the book of the same name; survivor of Nazi terror, member of the regulars’ table of the Bavarian poet Oskar Maria Graf.
Writer/Director/Producer: Jeanette Sena Mühlmann
Camera: Extra Strength, Brooklyn
1998: Moving to New York City
Living in New York City until 2011
Tour of bars with featured poetry
SPOKEN WORD – Featured Poet at Nuyoricans Poets Cafe, NYC,N
1997: TV/Film
Tatort: „Brüder“ mit Martin Lüttge
Director: Hartmut Griesmayr
Actress, playing Susanne
Other activities: Photographer
SWF Baden Baden
1996/97: Publikationen & Poetry Slams
Book: Jeanette – Softly but highly dangerous I open your heart
ISBN 3-9521062-0-8
1997/1998 presented at the Frankfurt and Geneva book fairs
Start of the “poetry readings” with live music and the poetry slams
“Softly but highly dangerous I open your heart”
Performances in Bern/Switzerland – Salzstadel/Landshut – Reithalle/Munich – Loft/Munich
SPOKEN WORD Featured Poet – (in english language)
New York City: Nuyorican Poets Café – Pink Pony – LES/ West Village
Brooklyn Moon, – Sky Gallery – Sugar Shack, Harlem-
Yale University -Peabody Museum, Connecticut
and more
PoetrySlam winner in Munich at “Substanz” with “What is Ssssex?”
The memorable first poetry slams in Munich, organized by Rail Patzak and Ko Bylanzky.
1996: Film
M.K.Gardelli – A whisper of Yvonne
A project of the Munich Film Academy
1996: Theater

“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by Tennessee Williams
Director: Name forgotten, the man was a disruptive factor …
Actress, playing Maggie
Other activities: Translation, costumes Maggie
Atelier Theater Bern, Switzerland, two months ensuite
1994: Film/TV

Soko: „Heimatabend“
Director: Kai Borsche
Actress, playing Samira
Elan Film Munich
Der Bergdoktor „Die Falle“
Director: Thomas Jacob
Actress, playing Elisabeth
NDF Munich
1994: Theater

“Entertaining Mr. Sloane” by Joe Orton
Director: Peter Fricke
Actress, playing Kathy
Other activities: Costumes for Kathy
Tour through German-speaking countries, over 100 shows.
1993: Film/TV
Tatort: „Die Zärtlichkeit des Monsters“
Director: Hartmut Schoen
Actress, playing Larissa
Bavaria Film Munich
1993: Theater

Mona Winter “Paradise Now”
Director: Mona Winter
Actress, playing Rose
Other activities: Costume Rose
Big Bang Theatre – Gasteig Munich, Black Box
10 shows, independent production, invited and sponsored by the city of Munich
1992: Theater
“Queentett” by Mona Winter
Director: Paula Mader
Actress, playing Lady in yellow
Other activities: Mask and costume self designed
Produced by the independent Big Bang Theatre (Paula Mader) and Kulturreferat München, played by invitation in an underground car park and in 20 shows.
1991: Theater
“Zwischenspiel” by Arthur Schnitzler
Director: Gerd Böckmann
Intendant: Kurt Meisel
with Peter Sattmann
Actress, playing: Friedericke, dilettante opera singer
Kammerspiele Hamburg, Artistic Director Kurt Meisel
Sold out house, ensuite for 2 months
1989: NYC

First visit to New York City and Los Angeles
1988: Film/TV

„Purgatory – Autobiography of a Murderer“ by Jack Unterweger
Director: William Hengstler – Epo Film Graz
Actress, playing Mother (from young to old)
„Der Fander: Im Zwielicht“
Director: Werner Masten
Bavaria Film Munich
1988: Theater

“Love Stories: Elegy for a Lady – Some kind of Love story” by Arthur Miller
Director: Michael Tiemann
Actress, playing “She”
Other activities: Translation, costumes for “She”,
Modern Theater Munic – sold out, ensuite for 2 months
1987: Film/TV

„Auf Achse“ with Manfred Krug in Mexico
Director: Werner Masten
Actress, playing Claudia Niederegger-Morales
Bavaria Film Munich
1987: Theater

“Don Karlos” by Friedrich Schiller
Produced by Margit Kempf (Tourneetheater Kempf)
Director: Andras Fricsay
Co-director: Jeanette Mühlmann
Dramaturgy: Fricsay/Mühlmann
Actress, playing Queen Elisabeth
Other activities: Program, costumes and make-up Queen Elisabeth
Tour through all German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, as well as Northern Italy)
Marstall, Residenztheater Munich
This was the last theater work of Andras Fricsay and Jeanette Mühlmann.
1986: Film/TV
„Reschkes Grosser Dreh“, (Serial)
Director: Reinhard Schwabenitzky
Actress, playing Ancor Woman
Bavaria Film Munich
„Krimistunde“- Episode 21, „Der Stern“
Director: Hartmut Griesmayer
Actress, playing Paola
“Losberg” – Family series à la “German Dallas
Director: Dieter Kehler
Actress, playing Sylvia Roland, private secretary
WDR Köln
Zoff und Zärtlichkeit
Actress, playing Ilona, Callgirl
1985: Film/TV
Derrick: „Greg’s Trompete“ with Horst Tappert
Director: Jürgen Goslar
Actress, playing Susanne Loon, Pop-Sängerin
Bavaria Film Munich
Der Fahnder: „in unseren Kreisen“
Director: Erwin Keusch
Actress, playing Sanna
Bavaria Film Munich
1984: Theater
„Memories“ by John Murell
with Andras Fricsay and Gundel Thormann*
Modern Theater Munich
Directors: Fricsay/Mühlmann
Despite its success, this was the last production of the legendary “Magic Flute” theater troupe. The artistic paths and lives parted ways.
1984: Film/TV

Der Alte „Von Mord war nicht die Rede“ with Siegfried Lowitz
Director: Jürgen Goslar
Actress, playing Brigitte, Rockerella
Bavaria Film Munich
Top Secret (Mini Serial)
Actress, playing Lara, russian agent
Bavaria Film Munich
Patrick Pacard (Mini Serial)
Director: Gero Erhard
Actress, playing Dr. Liebold
TV 60, Munich
„Das Leise Gift“
Director: Erwin Keusch
Actress, playing Frau Kutbay (Wife of the journalist)
Bavaria Film Munich
1982: Theater

“Red Ryder” by Mark Medoff
produced by Thomas Petz (founder and organizer of the Theaterfestival München), Spielart München and “Zauberflöte
Director: Andras Fricsay
Actress, playing Clarisse
Other activities: Translator, costume designer, co-director
Theater Festivals Munich, Zürich, Rotterdam
Culture Award of the Abendzeitung Munich:
AZ star for theater group “Magic Flute” for “Red Ryder
1981: Theater

Friedrich Schiller “Intrigues and Love”
Produced by TAK, „Theater am Kirchplatz“ Schaan, Liechtenstein & the group „Magic Flute“
Director: Andras Fricsay
Actress, playing Lady Milford
TAK Schaan, Stadttheater Bremen, Marstall München
1980: Theater

John Osborne “Look back in Anger”
Director: Andras Fricsay
Actress, playing Helena
Other activities: Translator, costume designer, dramaturge.
We Transported „Look back in Anger“ from the dusty 50ies into the local 80ies post Punk aera. Legendary shows at Uta Emmer’s „Modern Theater“ in München, Hans Sachs Strasse 12. Pure magic. Audiences stood in line around the block, we had to play double shows, midnight shows. Young people who otherwhise never had set a foot into a theatre came to See the show several times. Westarted with a high success and after that were invited to perform in city and state theaters all over the German speaking countries.
This play gave us the first award and made us famous throughout Germany and Switzerland Modernes Theater München/TAK, Schaan,Switzerland/Freie Volksbühne Berlin/Kammerspiele Bremen over 100 shows.
1980 AZ star for theater group “Magic Flute” for innovative theater
(cultural award of the Abendzeitung Munich)
1980-1984: Theater Group
The „Magic Flute“
Independent, non-subsidized Munich theater group around director and actor Andras Fricsay.
Founding members: Jeanette Mühlmann, Jacques Breuer, Sissy Höfferer, Thomas Schücke, Mario Andersen and Gundel Thormann.
The 1970ies

1976 Movie: Die Eroberung der Zitadelle
Director: Bernhard Wicki – main character: Andras Fricsay
Jeanette Mühlmann and Andras Fricsay meet at the set
1977 Marriage
Jeanette Sena Mühlmann

Studied politics, sociology and journalism at the LMU Munich.